Show LOCKED fields in Child events/Child Blueprints as disabled but keep them visible

After a recent critical  problem came up in the middle of one of our largest fundraising events, we've come to realize that LO has some major gaps that really needs to be addressed. One of them is the inability to see the locked fields in child events to ensure settings were inherited by the parent blueprint.



The issue that happened was a setting in the Blueprint was not inherited by the children. However, we couldn't confirm that because we can't see those locked fields in the child events. So when viewing the Blueprint, the settings we had were correct. So we were running around the system for an entire business day trying to figure out what was causing the problem that was leading to privacy issues, turns out it was just a setting we couldn't see in the child events. Once we finally gave up after trying everything we could we sent in a ticket to BB to help us out and they took a look and they saw what we couldn't see and fixed it in a matter of minutes.


We've gone through the Blackbaud training and the same team has been setting up events for years and so we do know how to do BP pushes at 11pm local time to see changes occur almost immediately.


So while the setting in the BP was correct it never trickled down to other events. We had BB do a query for events with the same problem and it turns out we have a handful of events in different security categories that did not inherit the same setting from their respective Blueprints.



Show locked fields as greyed out or unclickable, anything, in the child events, just have them visible so that when issues arise we can pinpoint the problem quicker and depending on situation we can let BB know "hey this field is set to Yes instead of Captain please change we cannot wait until midnight to do a BP push"



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  • Sep 26 2019
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Canadian Cancer Society
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