Create a custom interaction type for the Service Center that will indicate when a logged in user updates their credit card information

There is currently a "Sustaining Gift Billing Changed" interaction that is logged on a cons record when sustaining gift credit card information is updated. However, there is no way to filter these in to 2 categories

1) Administrator update

2) User self-service update

Knowing the number of user self-service updates would be very helpful. I suggest 2 interaction types that can be queried and reported on.

1) "Sustaining Gift Billing Changed by Admin"

2) "Sustaining Gift Billing Changed By User" 

  • Guest
  • Jan 24 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Ranel Porter commented
    18 Sep, 2017 04:41pm

    Yes!  Please!!!