Donation Form Management

It would be great to be able to search donation forms and campaigns by their id numbers. And/Or, an export feature to create a spreadsheet for searching. And/Or, add a sort feature to be able to sort by form or campaign id. Anything that would be helpful when searching for a form and you do not know the name of the form. Thank you.
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  • Mar 31 2015
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  • John Miller commented
    2 Mar, 2020 07:46pm

    All -

    This feature shipped with the 20.1 release in January - enjoy searching based on ID in the Donation Form, TeamRaiser and Groups searches!

    John Miller

    Product Manager, Luminate Online

  • Guest commented
    12 Jul, 2019 03:58pm

    Love the workaround of editing the admin URL and adding the ID, though. Very helpful.

  • Guest commented
    12 Jul, 2019 03:55pm

    This is my biggest pet peeve. My organization creates hundreds of new forms each year because our database requires this for tracking revenue. It takes me forever to find forms sometimes for editing if all I have is an ID #. Please make this happen!

  • Guest commented
    20 Mar, 2019 06:06pm

    It would be so amazing to be able to search by form or campaign ID when the exact name is not known. Why is this not a feature?? It's been 4 years??

  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2018 02:27am

    Hi. Any update on this? I have over 900 forms (multi center client) and it's been ridiculous trying to find forms in order to change hard coded links to relative.

  • Nigel Rowe commented
    28 Feb, 2017 07:20pm

    The hack we use is to add the form ID into either the form title or the form description. Both get searched in the Search box.

  • Guest commented
    21 Dec, 2016 05:59pm

    This really needs to happen. Especially if you have 10+ pages of donation forms. 

  • Devin Gladstone commented
    3 Nov, 2015 01:40pm

    Thanks Ken.  I appreciate you taking the time to respond and for sending such a thorough reply. :-)

  • Ken Cantu commented
    2 Nov, 2015 11:36pm

    Hi Devin and Mike, we'll be considering this and all requests submitted into our ideas portal for next gen Luminate. For example, expanding search from being just inside each module into a platform-wide function which spans all content you create and including IDs as well as Names is something we were talking about the Friday before BBCon. When we think of rebuilding a feature we take into consideration all input we can get our hands on, especially ideas submitted here, to make sure we can incorporate as many of your ideas as possible and to help us have people to reach out to when we need further information. With that being said building next gen Luminate will take time so some features might come out as early as next spring while others will come a little later but because we've been changing our overall release and build process you will start to see incremental feature in a faster cadence and could be as frequently as weekly starting next year.

    That being said I know it doesn't help you today so here is a trick I've used to quickly skip to a donation form. Go to a form you know in the LO admin tool and look in the URL for the df_id in the URL string. You can change that to the donation form you are looking for and you'll immediately jump there. So for the example below you can change 1234 to 5678 and you'll be taken to donation form 5678.

    Example of admin URL:


    I hope that helps a little. Thanks for sharing your suggestion and we're working on getting faster responses here in the near future so your don't have to wait months between replies and I apologize it took so long for this submission.



  • Devin Gladstone commented
    2 Nov, 2015 03:59pm

    I see this has 27 votes, could someone from Blackbaud reply to this thread to give us an update whether this will be included in future releases?

  • Devin Gladstone commented
    16 Jul, 2015 03:16pm

    We asked for this feature literally 3 or 4 years ago and got the same reply.  Future consideration.  Would this be so hard to do?

  • Guest commented
    17 Jun, 2015 08:56pm

    Yes, please!