Auto-responder reports

There should be a report where we can pull stats and analytics for auto-responders. Currently we are testing items withing the realm of autoresponders, but without data to pull back out (like we can for coaching emails) it's hard to make adjustments and make sure our folks are getting what they want to see and need to see.
  • Deleted User
  • Mar 31 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name National Kidney Foundation
  • Attach files
  • Grace Rose Khalsa commented
    21 Jul, 2016 08:01pm

    This is the third version of the same idea I've found in the last few minutes (and have upvoted all of them!) I really really wish BB would take note and let us know if there are any plans to move on this. Thanks!

  • Cheryl Spencer commented
    20 Apr, 2016 03:59pm

    This would be so helpful.  As Christy said, it's hard (and a bit embarrassing) to tell Executives that the system doesn't track this kind of info.  

  • Christy Haught commented
    24 Feb, 2016 04:52pm

    Executives are asking about performance rates on all emails. It's always hard to explain tot hem that our product cannot track Autoresponder performance. This is especially limiting to take advantage of the Follow Up Autoresponder functionality because we cant track how effective it is for coaching our fundraisers. This would be soooo helpful!! 

  • Guest commented
    26 May, 2015 03:54pm
    This would be very helpful! It's impossible to measure the results of changes we make.
  • Ken Cantu commented
    16 Apr, 2015 03:52am

    Thanks for the idea. I'll keep this in mind and share with the email Product Manager as well as it crosses both our domains.

  • +1