Allow a way for donors to cover their transaction fees when they make a donation.

Many other peer fundraising solutions give donors the option to cover the fees associated with their transaction. It would be great if Luminate allowed this option. 

  • Sarah Woodard
  • Apr 21 2016
  • Planned
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Spectrum Youth and Family Services
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Phil Nawrocki commented
      March 31, 2023 16:28

      I see that this is 'Planned', is there an update on when it will be rolled out. This is common practice for Non-Profits now.

    • Steven Lopresti commented
      April 25, 2022 19:18

      127 votes! How has this not been rolled out yet?

    • Jo Levy commented
      July 01, 2021 21:32

      I would appreciate Luminate giving some attention to this very important and very common feature, it is concerning this topic has been open for voting since 2016.

    • Peter Pugliese commented
      October 15, 2018 20:03

      I think being able to set the percentage gives the orgs more control. As others have said, donor needs to be shown the total donation amount prior to submitting the donation. 

    • Ken Cantu commented
      October 15, 2018 18:49

      This is very helpful, thank you all for the input! 

    • Guest commented
      October 12, 2018 17:52

      It would be helpful if we can set our own % and not have that amount (%) shown to the donor. The checkbox would simply state: I'd like to cover all transaction fees so 100% of my donation goes to XYZ.

    • Jen Gareis commented
      October 12, 2018 14:43

      We’d prefer the actual transaction fees instead of % increase.

    • Jeremy Reynolds commented
      October 11, 2018 21:39

      @Ken it's a balance. We'd probably prefer #2, but it opens a can of worms. If someone compares the exact fees to what another org pays, they might start questioning the stewardship of whichever charity pays higher transaction fees.


      Even if TR didn't bundle in licensing fees that bring our charge up to almost double other processors, there still could be confusion when another provider sets its fee to something lower than the full charge (e.g. they go with option #1, set it low, and the donor gets confused thinking they really only pay 2%).

      That'd make me lean towards #1; just make sure the donor can see what the charge would be ahead of hitting submit (as opposed to just a checkbox and they get surprised on the receipt when 5% is more money than they expected).

    • Ken Cantu commented
      October 11, 2018 21:15

      Hi, so you can add just the additional donation amount but it sounds like some orgs prefer for that to be a checkbox for people to simply opt in or out of. Therefore the add the additional donation field to the donation form and then add a checkbox asking donor to opt in or out of increasing their donation. They then add some javascript to the form to hide the additional donation field and listen for if the checkbox is clicked, if so then increase the donation level or amount by X% and write to the hidden additional donation field. The rest of the reporting works the same way. 

      We are researching multiple options: 

      1) Option 1: Similar to above but without all the javascript. Basically admin can enable this feature, enter in gift percentage increase, and it shows as a checkbox on the donation form. So effectively just $100 donation would be increased to $103 donation if the admin set the percent increase to 3%. In this case it would be up to the org to set that percentage and it wouldn't be 100% 1:1 ration of increased gift ask amount to transaction fee coverage. This could also be used to cover 'platform' fees instead of just 'transaction' fees. 

      2) Option 2: Blackbaud determines the variable transaction processing fees actually incurred and only increase by that amount. So with gift of $100 and if admin adds this to the form then it would only increase the gift by exactly the $1.48 (example only) of the actual cost to process that gift to the org. 

      So basically do you want a tool that ups the donation by a percentage that you set or do you want to actually and only ask them to capture the real transaction fee amounts? There seem to be split philosophies on this in the market from my research so far but generally both options would be preferred and doing percent increase seems to be fine for a good number of organizations. 

      Any thoughts on your preferences if you had to chose one option over the other? 



    • Guest commented
      October 09, 2018 11:40

      I too thought it was available in Luminate.  Ken could we have an example of what the current option looks like vs. proposed?  We currently use it and it doesn't seem to be a problem, but perhaps we are baking in a problem for future maintainers of the system.

    • Ken Cantu commented
      September 06, 2018 19:38

      Sorry my misunderstanding of the feature in LO. I understand now it requires custom JS to replicate the solution. Thanks!

    • Ken Cantu commented
      September 06, 2018 19:32

      Currently there is the ability to add "Additional Donation" amount to a Luminate donation form which can also be reported on separately from the level amount. My assumption is that this is not enough however I would like to hear that from you all around why and where it falls short which stops you from using it? 



    • Guest commented
      January 12, 2018 16:01

      This is STANDARD on & Eventbrite...  Time to update this on Teamraiser & bring it to current standards.  Participants have come to expect this already...

    • Guest commented
      October 19, 2017 17:31

      If Everyday Hero does it, and it's a Blackbaud product, why can't this be included in Luminate?

    • Guest commented
      October 19, 2017 17:30

      In addition to TeamRaiser, adding this to regualr donation forms would be great.

    • Krista Byers commented
      December 02, 2016 15:27

      More than one of your competitors offer this feature - donor drive, and crowdrise.  This would be a great feature and has captured the interest of my organization's leadership.

    • Samantha Pearson commented
      November 15, 2016 18:36

      "Everydayhero does this as well and it’s called Donor Cover and 83% of all donors are opting to cover fees"




    • Guest commented
      June 10, 2016 19:25

      This is a feature already being offered by Donor Drive and it's becoming the industry standard.  Considering how much money is spent in credit card fees each year, this should be a priority.

    • Travis Griffin commented
      June 10, 2016 17:44

      Yes, this would be very beneficial to our bottom line of funds actually raised for our hospitals.  spreading the transaction fee across all donators vs us having to bear that expense drives more money to help our cause.

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