Show Last Paid Date

Would like the last paid date to actually show in the report output field. Unless this has been fixed, this shows as blank.

  • Holly Michaelson
  • Apr 4 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name JDRF
  • Attach files
  • Holly Michaelson commented
    6 Jul, 2016 05:07pm

    It does seem broken. So maybe it is better as a support case.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    6 Jul, 2016 04:18pm

    I think I just read it as functionality that used to exist but now currently doesn't. Thanks for the clarification, I'll keep this idea open for voting.


  • Holly Michaelson commented
    19 Jun, 2016 10:01pm

    It it can be a bug and get resolved, that is fine too!

  • Holly Michaelson commented
    19 Jun, 2016 10:01pm

    I believe we once reported it as a bug and were told it needed to be an enhancement request.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    17 May, 2016 12:40am

    Hi Holly,

    The way this is written this seems like a bug, is that true or is it new functionality that you would like to see?

