Report Writer-new date format selections need to be added

My organization is in Canada. When we generate report in Report Writer, the date needs to be dd/mm/yyyy. Even my computer system set up date format as dd/mm/yyyy, Results of each report still appear as  mm/dd/yyyy. Some donations show mm/dd/yy. Canned report (transaction report) date format is dd/mm/yyyy. Why the report date shows differently? Can we make them the same?

  • Guest
  • Nov 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Daily Bread Food Bank
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    13 Nov, 2015 05:35pm

    Hi Catherine,

    We're testing this and other internationalization standards out in the next few months with out new next gen reporting tool. After our tests I'll be able to give you a more specific date on when we can add this to the roadmap in 2016.

