Provide Documentation for S tags, M tags, and any other hidden information that makes LO useable!

I have to dig around in community forums and other blogs to find documentation on how to make use of the S, M, and other tags that make LO an actual usable product. I shouldn't have to!

  • James Dalton
  • Mar 22 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name The Fellowship
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    • Ken Cantu commented
      July 06, 2016 16:33

      Hey Brian, yeah I remember when S/E130 was not used at all either. It was designed for engineering use only at more of the template level and then services heard about it and starting using it which then made it client facing on some sites and then eventually trickled out that way however it was not designed from the start as a client-facing feature which is why it wasn't designed with client-facing safeguards in place. This actually did result in some causing significant server issues through its use which is why I think the warning exists. However I don't disagree that it's a little like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

      I've sent this to our docs team and their manager to revisit the issue.



    • Brian Mucha commented
      March 28, 2016 15:40

      "Warning: Luminate Online uses a number of other proprietary tags as well as S-Tags (including A-Tags, C-Tags, and E-Tags). These tags are not supported for customer use and can damage your site. Only S-Tags are supported for client use."

      E-Tags are not for customer use? That is silly. He also specifically asked about M-Tags.

      I think the point of this idea is to challenge this warning and get documentation on these tags. If e-Tags are lumped into this 'dangerous' group, I suspect there are a ton of useful and reasonably safe tags that are not known to us. I can remember when S130 was completely unknown, for Pete's sake.

      I'm pretty sure I can already break our site with the S-Tags we have. Unless one false move brings down an entire server, I would think clear documentation would suffice to keep us safe.

      At the very least how about a broad description of what the secret tags can do? This is the same issue with all the annoying hidden SDPs in Luminate. How can we ask for changes if we don't even know the features exist?

    • Ken Cantu commented
      March 25, 2016 22:56

      Hi James, are you needing this or a more robust version? If so can you provide examples of where this falls short so I can pass along to our docs team?|_____0