lengthen auto-logout time

It is really an annoyance to have such a short length of time for how long a user can be logged in without re-logging in. When I have Convio windows open but am also working in other screens/programs, only to come back and find I've been logged out, sometimes losing work (yes, I know there's a reminder to "save often", and I usually do, but we're all human...) it impairs my productivity. One solution would be to allow users to set options to stay logged in up to 8 hours (a full work day) before being logged out, or even several hours if not a full 8. Kerberos users can do that... At a minimum, there should be a way to make log-out alerts ("you have 4 minutes") pop up above all other screens, or make a sound, or something.

I think this idea has come up in the past, and has been very popular, but I couldn't find any current info on it. Have all such suggestions been deleted?

  • Grace Rose Khalsa
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product User Interface
Org/Company Name Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
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    • Grace Rose Khalsa commented
      June 30, 2020 14:06

      Now that, in the era of COVID, so many of us are working from home and there is very little possibility that some "unauthorized" person will try to access our BB account from our computers there, I am begging AGAIN that the logged-in time be lengthened. MIT solved this issue over 25 years ago for logged-in users to STAY logged-in for a full 8 hour work day (with Kerberos security). Why can't Blackbaud???

    • Grace Rose Khalsa commented
      February 07, 2020 16:01

      Since I originally created this idea over 4 years ago, BB did (without announcement or fanfare) lengthen the time before auto logout happened (which I was so grateful for!!),

      BUT! in the most recent product update, all of a sudden we're back to a scant 15 minutes before being automatically logged out of the tool. When I created a new case about this, the support person (helpfully? ironically??) suggested I bring the idea here.

      I had to go back to her with the link to the list showing that within the last four years, the same idea had been suggested four times at least - including by me, hahaha! - without any resolution being mentioned. Perhaps even more than four times, depending on search term to look the issue up.

      So here we are again. Blackbaud, PLEASE LENGTHEN TIME TO STAY LOGGED IN in Luminate!!!! I am aware you may conceive of the short logout time as a security feature, but what it really is is a complete pain in the a$$ when I'm working back and forth between several open windows in my browser and several online tools at once.

      And, because LO does not work like Beta and automatically save as one works, I have again started losing crucial changes I'm making to my work, and having to go back and redo the work again. I know there's a warning at the top of every email building screen, but it means saving every 10 seconds or so in order to avoid issues. NOT HELPFUL!

    • Kelly Tannehill commented
      February 09, 2017 21:20

      Yes yes yes! Even the healthcare provider website where all my medical information is stored will keep me logged in for an hour or so. Heck, even a 20 minutes would be a huge improvement over the current interval.

    • Guest commented
      October 28, 2016 17:25

      Yes please!  This is something I'm sure everyone wants!  Please consider an option to keep a user logged in at least for a full 8 hours, as suggested.