We have a lot of corporations, government offices, and organization who give money in the company name to sponsor participants in our Polar Plunges. As it is now, we have to split the company name between First Name and Last Name in the donor registration screen and then manually change this on the donation reports. Takes a lot of time, and often these donation companies are missed and not properly registered in our database.
Area of the Product | Donations |
Org/Company Name | Special Olympics Pennsylvania |
Hi, we have organizational functionality that started to come out in 15.9 release and will finish up in the 16.1 release. You can watch our latest quarterly update for more information here hello.blackbaud.com/LuminateQuarterlyUpdate.
If you are referring to additional functionality that isn't captured here then can you provide more details on what you want the product to do that it doesn't or won't with this latest update?
Thanks you!