allow ticket inventories for an entire event

Right now, each ticket type has a limit, but it is difficult if the event has a maximum capacity but it doesn't matter which ticket is purchases. For example, if there are 200 seats in a performance hall and our event has 100 member tickets and 100 non-member tickets initially, if the member tickets sell out and the non-member do not there are still seats left. There should be an option for all ticket types to pull from the same inventory if the limit is for the event rather than the ticket type.

  • Guest
  • Sep 29 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Payments
Org/Company Name National Museum of Women in the Arts
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    • Guest commented
      October 06, 2017 19:00

      Please change this function so that tickets can be sold for the event capacity rather than by ticket type. Thank you!

    • Lauren Winther-Hansen commented
      October 05, 2017 15:41

      Yes! Please make this a priority!

    • Guest commented
      October 05, 2017 15:35

      Totally agree! We are a new LO user and having to set capacity by ticket price instead of for the overall event has been ridiculous to try to manage in a way that fills the event without overfilling.