Timely Response to ideas posted to this area

Looking back at ideas submitted over the past month I see 42 have not been looked at (Needs Review), 13 are (Future Consideration) which is incredibly vague and doesn't give us any idea on when a solution will be done, 1 is planned, and 1 says more information is needed. 

  • Devin Gladstone
  • Jul 16 2015
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  • Devin Gladstone commented
    7 Dec, 2015 02:07pm

    Thank you Ken. I appreciate the update and the fact that the team there is making more of an effort to respond to these.  While I think progress is being made...I do think it could be better, and by that I mean more timely response and more thorough....but I do appreciate the fact that the team there seems to now be committed to this goal. Thanks again!  -- Devin

  • Ken Cantu commented
    4 Dec, 2015 11:45pm

    We're working on the backlog. Down to under 80 from over 225 that need to be reviewed in just the past 2 weeks. We have new ownership of keeping on top of this so this should mean quicker responses going forward.

    We do look at each and every one of these ideas, especially when a product manager has an area of the product they are currently developing which needs client input. For example, when I started working on next gen reporting I pulled all the ideas submitted dating back to 2006 to help design what requirements should be for the future of next gen reporting. I found out going back to 2006 wasn't as helpful as concentrating on the ideas from 2010 until now (122 of them) which influenced my research. 30 ideas became official requirements and 26 of those will make it into the product next year when we start releasing next gen. Though the statuses didn't change the ideas were definitely used.

    We are working on getting better at closing the communication loop and I'll personally make sure our team improves there but in the meantime please keep submitting your thoughts and suggestions! They are very much appreciated and helping us to define the next generation of Luminate in a way that is most useful to you.



  • Guest commented
    12 Aug, 2015 04:26pm

    There's now 100+ Ideas that need review, dating back to 2 months ago. :-(