create a way to remove constituents from centers without requiring a import/export.

When managing a multi-center instance, it would be useful to be able to use a query to REMOVE members similar to how you can use a query to ADD members.  Specifically, one of the instances I work with has been around for years and the centers are all state based.  The Center Summary tab does not show all the "inactivated" stats on the home page, but it does show all the historical opt outs and hardbounce numbers.  This means the center summary tabs say things like "70,000 members with 299,455 in hardbounce status."  It's not useful information once the numbers get that far off and there is no easy way to clean out the data.

Ideally, I would like to be able to have the center query logic work like group query logic - where if you don't meet the criteria of the query, you are removed from the center.  Failing that, I would like see a way to write a query and have an option to use the query to remove center members who do not meet the criteria as a another option in the "use query" list.  This would be beneficial for when criteria changes - for example, if a client decides that a certain subset of records should belong to a specific center and no longer be included in their other centers, they could run the removal query using that criteria against the other centers.  Currently the only way to mass remove records like this is to use a custom constituent upload.

If there are reasons why you don't want to include the ability to remove records from a center based on a query, then I think we should at least consider adding functionality to remove records that are not emailable from the centers.  Specifically, give the option of removing records from the center that have one or more of the following statuses:

  • system active status = removed
  • accepts email = false
  • email is blank
  • email status = bad (hardbounce)

All of the above records would be filtered out of any email send automatically by Luminate, so having them present in the group counts forever is not terribly useful.  Giving us the ability to flush that data out of the centers on a periodic basis would make those stats more meaningful.  I.e., if I only clear that data once a quarter, then I can see exactly how many people went inactive in the past quarter before I refresh the counts.

  • Judith Carney
  • May 10 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Blackbaud
  • Attach files
  • April Kulpa commented
    18 Nov, 2015 01:54pm

    Good idea, but we just need the ability to mass remove members without emailing support or waiting overnight for it to process (3K+ records).  Super admins should be able to do this!

  • Guest commented
    13 May, 2015 03:49pm

    Solid metrics behind a good idea.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    11 May, 2015 02:17pm

    Really good idea, thanks for the detail. I marked as future consideration so others can post additional comments and upvote for higher visibility.