Fix lookup feature in 'contact roles' field of batch entry.

Currently, there are issues with looking up some Org Donor Proxy records when soft crediting within a gift batch. Some show up in the search, others do not.

  • Guest
  • May 4 2017
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Area of the Product Donations
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    • Admin
      Corey Eck commented
      March 14, 2018 18:04

      Hi, I am reviewing your request as we're making some improvements to Batch. Have you opened a Support ticket for this item yet? If so, can you provide the case number? If not, can you go ahead and open one? This will allow our support team to look into the issue, gather reproduction steps, and either help resolve it or pass it over to the product team.


    • Guest commented
      May 04, 2017 16:39

      I know this is an LCRM request but I do not see a category available for that product here... Being able to find and soft credit, in batch, would significantly reduce entry time. Please fix this feature soon!