Allow embedding a secure survey into a pagebuilder page

embedding a survey into a pagebuilder page allows you to control the title/intro text and use only one "submit" button vs. having three buttons for "reset", "skip" and "Submit". Embedding the survey onto a pagebuilder page let's you create a small, concise email sign-up  process that can then be I-framed onto a non-convio web page of you website - and people can sign-up for a newsletter without leaving that web page.

However, more and more web pages are now secure pages, and chrome and firefox will not display a non-secure survey on a secure web page. Not a big deal, but there are bugs in convio when you embed a secure survey on a pagebuilder page. In IE, the thank you page will not display properly. 

  • Guest
  • Apr 10 2017
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Area of the Product Security
Org/Company Name American Public Health Association
  • Attach files
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    • Ken Cantu commented
      May 02, 2017 18:08

      Hi Glenn, setting pages to be secure is a feature in Pagebuilder already but you are saying that it is currently broken in IE for the thank you page? I'll send this to our bug team to review.

      In the meantime you can create another custom secure pagebuilder page and point to that page as the thank you page from within the survey tool. I think that should work for you but let me know if it doesn't until this bug gets reviewed.

