Search & Delete Discount Codes in TR

Please, please, please! Make discount codes searchable!!! How is this not already a feature? Also, allowing discount codes to be deleted. These oversights make the entire discount code feature unruly, disorganized and rather annoying.

  • elissa o
  • Mar 10 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Hirshberg Foundation
  • Attach files
  • Andrea Fleisher commented
    23 Jul, 2019 02:47pm

    Please! It's very unruly to wade through discount codes left over from legacy events that have been copied over. Need to search, filter, and delete.

  • Guest commented
    10 May, 2019 12:41pm

    Yes, having the capability to search and delete discount codes would greatly help to manage the codes better.

  • Guest commented
    19 Feb, 2019 05:05pm

    YES YES YES! Need to be able to delete either when you copy TR events or even once it is made. We have way too many codes.

  • Guest commented
    12 Jan, 2018 03:50pm

    YES!  Please, please, please do this!  I have over 300 discount codes from year to year that have carried over.  This should be a simple fix 

  • Guest commented
    13 Nov, 2017 09:15pm

    Ability to delete them too is essential, since they always copied over from the old TR/BP, only logical to be able to delete the unwanted ones!