Please, please, please! Make discount codes searchable!!! How is this not already a feature? Also, allowing discount codes to be deleted. These oversights make the entire discount code feature unruly, disorganized and rather annoying.
Area of the Product | TeamRaiser |
Org/Company Name | Hirshberg Foundation |
Please! It's very unruly to wade through discount codes left over from legacy events that have been copied over. Need to search, filter, and delete.
Yes, having the capability to search and delete discount codes would greatly help to manage the codes better.
YES YES YES! Need to be able to delete either when you copy TR events or even once it is made. We have way too many codes.
YES! Please, please, please do this! I have over 300 discount codes from year to year that have carried over. This should be a simple fix
Ability to delete them too is essential, since they always copied over from the old TR/BP, only logical to be able to delete the unwanted ones!