Events Module - Promo Codes functioning like Team Raiser Discount Codes

It would be nice to have the Events Module Promotion Codes act like the Discount Codes in Team Raiser where you build out the % or $ off and then associate it with the type rather than building One Registration Type per Promo Code and then having that many times special URL's. 

Example - I have an event that needs 1 Registration type, but has already asked for 20+ discount types since some are "Free" based on Company Sponsoring, some are % off due to time of registering, ect. Now i have to build the one Reg. Type 20+ times and have 20+ URLs for folks to register. 

Seems a little caveman like since in Team Raiser you can build what you need and associate with and no extra URL needed.

  • Guest
  • Apr 12 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name American Heart Association
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