Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LUM-I-270 Allow a responsive design for Event Regisrations.

Make Luminate Events Responsive--Please! Merged

It's embarrassing to send people from one of our responsive webpages or emails to a non-responsive events page. It's worse when it's a ticketed event, because users have to navigate the billing information screens as well. If Blackbaud is tech-forward and service-minded, it needs to provide this basic functionality so that we can serve our members effectively. This is a mobile age, so we need to keep up with industry standards.

  • Guest
  • Dec 1 2016
  • Planned
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
  • Gwendolyn Chambers commented
    17 Sep, 2019 08:40pm

    They could at least create a kit for it as they've done for donation forms.  I can't believe how old this is!

  • Guest commented
    30 Jul, 2019 09:13pm

    Are there any plans to make calendar events responsive?

  • Marcella Jewell commented
    30 Jul, 2019 05:10pm

    Would like add that this has not yet been addressed and needs to be soon! It's been years and surveys and events are still not responsive. This has to be addressed - it's 2019.

  • Grace Rose Khalsa commented
    17 Dec, 2018 03:26pm

    I'm *totally*! upvoting this request. And, not only is the request 2 years old and still not on the roadmap (per Katheryn Hall in a recent Community Forum thread, but personally I've worked with the Events module for over 8 years (!) and there have been NO significant upgrades to it in all that time. A few tiny tweaks perhaps, but nothing really helpful.

    I know BB has given a HUGE amount of its development time, money, and energy to TeamRaiser, but I think many of us still needing the Calendar Events function as well are feeling left in the dust. I know I am, for sure.

  • Dave O'Farrell commented
    7 Dec, 2018 03:07pm

    It's crazy that this stands out since December 2016...