New custom field setup

Ability during set up of a new field to add this new field to custom report types.� As it is now, after creating a new field, we must go to all of the custom reports and add this field.
  • Deleted User
  • Jun 9 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    19 Oct, 2017 05:12pm

    I understand. Thank you!


  • Holly Michaelson commented
    19 Oct, 2017 05:03pm

    First, we pay BB to create a custom report for us. If later, we add a new survey question, we have to pay BB again to modify all reports that need to include this field. Wish there was an easy way we could add a column to an existing custom report without needing to hire the DI team.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    30 Jun, 2015 07:24pm

    Hi, can you provide more information on this request? I'm not sure I fully understand the functionality and gap.

