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All fields accessible in Report Writer and No Pre-set Filter that you can't change or remove.

In Report Writer, depending on the report "template" you pick, only certain columns can be added to run the report. We have many fields that we capture vital information on/about our Participants and their achievements, yet a lot of times we have to run 4 reports to answer one question. I would like to have all possible fields accessible regardless of the "type" of report I am building. Another pain point is that depending on the Report you select, there is already a preset filter that you can not remove and add your own. You can add additional filters, but can't remove the original one. Again causing for multiple reports to be ran or having to select each TR by TR to add instead of just allowing the filter of "starts with" so new events are on the report.

  • Guest
  • Nov 25 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name American Heart Association
  • Attach files
  • Liz Pomper commented
    December 02, 2015 20:45

    I am voting specifically for the second part of this idea: that some report types require a filter that renders the report useless for us (I'm specifically thinking of constituent reports, which require a security category filter).

  • Ken Cantu commented
    November 25, 2015 18:08

    Hi Kim, me again. I'm working on this right now because we're about to start all the data modeling for the new data store and specifically a good number of TeamRaiser reports. Can you give me specific examples of TeamRaiser report fields you'd like to see in one report as opposed to the 4 that you mentioned? If you have an excel document which combines them as you'd want to see them that would be even better. (You can email me directly at ken.cantu@blackbaud.com if you don't want to attach it here.



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