Give access to clients to the tool that can dirty transactions in LO

We often have to ask Blackbaud support to dirty records for one reason or another - accidentally rejected gifts, errors on the record that don't push them to the plug-in, etc. Being able to access the tool to dirty these records would allow us to work faster and more efficiently. 

  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2016
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  • Guest commented
    12 Feb, 2016 05:23pm

    Clients currently have no way of dirtying constituent records in an efficient manner. They are forced to either perform imports that make updates to all records they wish to dirty, manually make updates to individual records, or contact support to dirty on their behalf. When it comes to dirtying transactions, they have no means to do so at all. In these cases contacting support is the only way. All of these methods are time consuming and inefficient for clients. Providing clients with access to the tool that can dirty records en masse would help speed up client's workflows considerably.