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Many charitable organisations offer the option for donors to also pay for credit card or Paypal fees.
Area of the Product | Donations |
Org/Company Name | Operation Eyesight Universal |
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Yes, this is very concerning indeed. I know competing products offer this in their product but clients of Blackbaud Luminate need to customize if they really want automated trans. fees covered, esp. for the "Other" donation amounts. Adding cover fees as a toggle on or off in the standard Luminate donation product would benefit enterprise and small, medium Blackbaud clients as well.
Concerning this has been open since 2016, this is a very common feature for donor forms.
It is kind of sad that this has been requested for over 3 years and still does not seem to be an option. Considering what is charged for this service, it is quite lacking of many modern web capabilities.
I am writing now to push that this should be added.
In Kintera/Sphere we had custom coded it into our donation form and it also split out in the receipt. It would be great to have it in LO/TeamRaiser where it is harder for us to custom code.
I totally agree that this should be at the top of the list. We just got through with AZ Gives Day which uses a different platform and almost all the donors opted to pay the credit card fee on their donation.
This would make a huge difference for us. Right now we're actually trying to get our larger donors to *stop* donating online via Convio because we lose such a sizeable chunk of their donations to fees. If we could have the option to let the donor pay the fee, then we wouldn't have to push our $500+ donors to donate by mail instead of online.
This should definitely rise to the top of the list of enhancements. If it has been done via enhancement, then you have already started down the development path.
Our understanding is that this can be done today with a customization. Would be better if this were just a blueprint or donation form setting and the nonprofit could easily do it on their own.