Allow granularity on reporting related to Suggested Messages

We can run reports of suggested messages sent, but we cannot get to the level of granularity we need. We can see that 100 'Ask for Support emails' were sent, but we cannot see if they were template 1 or template 2. We would like to be able to report on each template and determine their frequency of use. This would help drive our strategy about which messages we keep, need, etc.

  • Holly Michaelson
  • Apr 5 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name JDRF
  • Attach files
  • Christina Hall commented
    28 Feb, 2022 11:43pm

    We would love to know how our constituents are interacting with the content we create and whether it's helpful or not!

  • Jordan Frey commented
    28 Feb, 2022 11:38pm

    This would be so insightful for our organization!

  • Wyn Furman commented
    25 Feb, 2022 12:18am

    This would be really helpful to see what types of messages are actually being used (so we can focus on those and not spend time on the others).