TeamRaiser API for searching on full name of participants

Current, we have the TeamRaiser API method getParticipants() which allows you to search on participant names by searching first and last names separately. However, if you want to search for all participants that have a search string in either their first or last name, you can't do that with this API as it stands today. You can write some complex code to do two searches, one on the first name and a second on the last name, and then merge the lists in the sort order you desire, and then implement your own pagination. But this should be much easier. It could be as simple as a new API parameter that says to do a full name search, and then when it is set to true, the query does a LIKE search on both the first and last name fields, joins the results and handles the sort and pagination.

  • Eric Oyler
  • Oct 19 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product API's
Org/Company Name Alzheimer's Association
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