Fix the Email Home page

The new upgrade to the dashboard hides all the important information and makes it harder to get to it, and in the case of draft makes it impossible.  The previous version had much higher usability.

  • Devin Gladstone
  • Sep 29 2015
  • Shipped
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Food For The Poor
  • Oct 12, 2015

    Admin response

    Thanks to all for the feedback! We've taken a look at the current dashboard and in the upcoming 15.9.1 patch for Luminate Online we are addressing the items which have been identified in this post (and some other reported issues). The new dashboard will now allow you to sort by most recent send date when viewing the message list after clicking a statistic. We have also addressed an issue with the way that large numbers display in the dashboard as well as an additional defect with the "Avg. Forwarded" and "Avg. Tell-A-Friend" metrics. Keep an eye out for this update over the next few weeks!

  • Attach files
  • Devin Gladstone commented
    28 Mar, 2016 08:47pm

    Please close out this idea as it has been completed.

  • Devin Gladstone commented
    2 Oct, 2015 06:30pm

    Yes, a big step backwards.  Since they can't fix it I've asked them to give sort options so that we can sort by recency.  Maybe if enough of us ask for it they'll do it? ;-)

  • Guest commented
    2 Oct, 2015 01:44pm

    I agree! I was trying to find an email sent yesterday, and before I would see it right on top of the emails sent list. Now I have to click on the "number", and the list isn't even in order of when emails are sent!! This is horrible!