Query - ability to change order of query lines.

There really needs to be a way to move line item order around in the query builder. It's painful when you forget an and/or statement this impacted by where it falls in the order or the lines. The only way to correct it many times it to delete many lines and then recreate those lines to get it where it needs to be in the order. There needs to be an easier option to just move a line up or down in the order. Thanks 

  • Susan Chopp
  • Jun 11 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name PennFuture
  • Attach files
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    • Lawrence Oji commented
      August 14, 2024 19:07

      Luminate user since 2009. Still an issue in 2024. Still an issue in 2049? :-)

    • Guest commented
      June 17, 2015 20:57

      YES this is very frustrating. Other web-based query tools allow you to use arrows to reorder the lines.

    • Liz Pomper commented
      June 16, 2015 19:31


    • Susan Chopp commented
      June 11, 2015 19:12

      I forgot to mention this is for Luminate Online

    • +1