Welcome to Luminate Ideas!

Please submit all product enhancement ideas below. We welcome your feedback; your ideas will be reviewed by the Product Manager that oversees the development of that part of the product on an ongoing basis and updated with its current status monthly based on our product planning process. Ideas you submit could help us shape features currently in development or grow our repository of requirements for our next big enhancement. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and expertise with us.

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allow donors to view their giving history as we see it in the back end from their donor portal

I was recently given angry customer feedback regarding not being able to see their giving history. Not many donors complain about this, but he did make a good point. Our organization switched from their old database to RE and Luminate. While all their giving history from 9 years ago is visible to us, they cannot view it themselves on the portal and have to ask for it. I can see why this can be a point of frustration to a long time donor and it's not an unreasonable ask for them to see the gift date and gift amount, and any details that could be helpful for them to see (ex. the fund they donated towards). Hoping this change could be realized within the year considering some people take great pride in seeing something tangible and could increase their giving based on what they see.

  • Rufina Caluya
  • Jun 24 2024
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name KNKX
  • Attach files

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