MultiCenter - Update "reply-to" email address to be overridden in TeamRaiser autoresponder configuration over the center default

Currently, if you have a TeamRaiser with MultiCenter and an email address added to the autoresponder configuration, the question states "Defines the email address to which any replies to this autoresponder will be sent." But this is not true for MultiCenter. In MultiCenter how it currently operates is the TeamRaiser autoresponder configuration only updates the "sent from" email address, but the "reply-to" email address is taken from the center email overrides attribute - and if that is not enabled, then it defaults to the sitewide reply-to email address. This means that TeamRaiser autoresponders in MultiCenter environment can only have "reply-to" email addresses set to either the center-wide override (meaning all autoresponders will be sent to one address that is chapter-specific), or it will be set to the site-wide reply-to email address. There is no option to override the "reply-to" to be campaign-specific within a center. For example, we have a center for our Central Ohio chapter. Their only option for reply-to email addresses on autoresponders across Luminate is for a single generic chapter-wide email address. They cannot override this for just their Walk events, or just their DIY events, or just their cycling events, or any other specific campaign email addresses to have the pertinent information replied to staff that manage those specific campaigns. Instead they can either go to a generic chapter-wide email address or the site-wide email address. Neither are great options. Also, the documentation in the Help Files for MultiCenter specify this as working the way we need it to work, rather than how it actually works.

"When specified, any Center-Level option will override the corresponding Site-Level option (for center pages). For those options that can also be set within applications (TeamRaiser and Personal Fundraising), the setting in the application will, in turn, override the Center-level setting. In short, application settings will trump Center-Level settings, which, in turn, will trump Site-Level settings."

Or maybe this isn't considered inaccurate, and rather we just simply don't have a "reply-to" override setting at the application level (TeamRaiser) in this case. If that is the case, then we need a "reply-to" override added to the TeamRaiser application for this specific need.

  • Eric Oyler
  • Apr 24 2023
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Alzheimer's Association
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