If a TeamRaiser or participant only has one anonymous donation, hide the from honor roll, Top Donors list, etc.

If someone donates and chooses to be anonymous, their name is listed without the donation amount. If they are the only anonymous donor however, their donation amount can be known by subtracting all other donation amounts from the total.

We would like the first anonymous donor to a team and/or TeamRaiser to be hidden from honor rolls, Top Donors lists, etc., that way their donation amount actually remains anonymous without manual intervention (like changing their name to "Anonymous").

Alternately, if it's easier to implement, we'd like all anonymous donors to not show up on honor rolls, Top Donors lists, etc. If they're anonymous, their names shouldn't be publicly displayed in the first place. We don't mind if the participant knows who the donor is; we just don't want the general public to.

  • Charles Massot
  • May 5 2022
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
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