Optimize the Google Pixel

I don't believe the way Luminate has the Google pixel set up for tracking through Google Analytics is best practice, and it is inflating clients results.

The Luminate documentation is to add the pixel on the button of the donation page and not the final confirmation page.

This means that all you have to do is click the donation button for it to show up as a donation with the donation amount. For example, we didn’t enter anything on the form except a gift amount, then hit the button, and it showed up in Google Analytics as a gift. It may also show up as a gift, even if it's a gift that doesn't go through, or the button is double-clicked.

It's hard to fully trust the Google Analytics analysis with the way it's currently set up.

  • Cory Whitehead
  • Sep 30 2021
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Christianity Today
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