TeamRaiser registration path improvement

We have a TeamRaiser Event called spin4 in which participants register to spin at a Studio. When teammates are joining their teams under their team name/captain, it is showing both VIP Teammate and regular teammate registration options vs. just the type of teammate that corresponds to, however the captain registered.

Therefore, we are having teammates register as VIP teammates that are just regular teammates because it’s the first option.

Is there a way to fix so it only gives the option based on however the captain is registered?

Unfortunately, we are not able to distinguish the team by participation type. Our retainer services informed us that this needs to be submitted as a possible future product improvement.

BB created a script to add VIP to each team name was the workaround that Blackbaud came up with in order to differentiate between VIP teams and non-VIP teams. There is not currently another workaround for this as the only way to differentiate the teams was by name.

  • Guest
  • Aug 24 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
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