Improve Survey Autoresponder; include option to repeat survey responses in the AR

With certain types of surveys, we want the Autoresponder message to serve as a confirmation to the user of what they signed up for. Example, we're using Surveys to sign up volunteers for shifts, and we want their choice of shift to be in the AR to serve as a later reminder for them. As a workaround, we can save some values on the consrecord, then pull custom fields into the Autoresponder, but that is time-consuming and not a perfect solution for a number of reasons (mcmr questions can't save on the cons record; too many fields among these reasons). Rather, please add the ability for the Survey Autoresponder to parrot back all the user's responses. Please include an option to do this. Ideally, the admin can choose which question/responses to include. This is a pain point for users and admins.

  • Andrea Fleisher
  • Jun 5 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Cathexis Partners
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    • Philip Nawrocki commented
      January 21, 2021 04:11

      This would be a great addition especially as all things are digital now. If someone cannot attned, I don't want to be sending a autoresponder with the Zoom information in it.