Notify clients of email delivery issues two ways: status page and email

All email marketers would benefit from a business process/notification when there are email deliverability issues.

1. A status page like that reports known problems, much like the Hotmail/Outlook/Live soft bounce issue that is affecting (all?) clients. It should also include that status/steps that Blackbaud is taking to remedy the situation.

2. An email notification much like we receive when our site is scheduled to be upgraded/maintained.

  • Guest
  • May 17 2018
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name World Wildlife Fund
  • Attach files
  • Alan Bolds commented
    31 Aug, 2020 10:55pm

    Please also vote for which recommends that any status alert that is posted on send an email to clients. A case-in-point is the nationwide outage with CenturyLink on Sunday morning, August 30 which was announced on as a third-party vendor that handles Blackbaud IDs. "Active Issue Alert – Blackbaud ID – Multiple Products - #000165060." The issue also impacted donation processing. It will help to receive email notice of all active issues, and then we can decide if further action is needed. You can subscribe to receive updates on issues that are posted. Why not offer a subscription that send an email for any active issue?

  • Alan Bolds commented
    24 May, 2018 11:12pm

    See related Idea:

  • Ken Cantu commented
    24 May, 2018 01:26pm

    Hi, marked as non-platform enhancement request but will direct to our operations team internally. This item can still be updated like other ideas. 

