We operate a merchandise store online as one of our fundraising arms. Many of the items that are in our store are specific fundraisers and have specific funds attached to them so that we might track how they are selling. For instance, we publish a cookbook every two years that feature prize-winning Iowa State Fair recipe entries from the two previous years' Fairs. In our RE database, the cookbook introduced for 2018 is identified by the fund number 2018ISF. People purchase this cookbook online, in person, over the phone and via mail in orders. The field 2018ISF identifies these purchases. With our eStore, when the information syncs over to our RE database, we are unable to distinguish that purchase from any of the others unless we do it manually. This makes it difficult to track actual purchase of the 2018 Iowa State Fair Cookbook separately from other sales. Other items that we have separated out by fund are limited edition model tractors, a hand-painted wooden plaque, history book, charms, etc.
We had previously been using a NetSpark/NetSolutions eCommerce version from Blackbaud and that did allow us to have a fund associated with a product on our website so that when the importing was done we captured all of the information about the purchase in the database.
In addition to the separate fund, is it possible to bring over the actual purchased products into the gift attributes? As it stands, we have to look at the LO record to find out what was purchased.