Gifts & Registrations - filtering gifts and then managing the batch in RE

Gifts & Registrations

  • I should be able to filter between recurring gifts and one-time gifts, this way I can commit the RE batch and apply all to recurring gifts. We have online recurring gifts going back to 2009 and it is a tedious exercise to apply each of those gifts individually and as a result we have spent money calling and mailing donors to ask them sign up again so their new gifts will link and close their old recurring gifts. This has also been a huge time suck on our staff to respond to calls and prepare emails and run reports to track which donors have been updated. We have over 800 recurring gifts that we still need to apply individually.
  • I should be able to select more than one Appeal at a time so I can bring in multiple gifts into one batch instead of having to go back and forth and keep adding gifts to a batch. The annoying thing is that I always have to change the filter to All Appeals, wait for the page to refresh and then click Refresh to go back to the filters to be able to select the next Appeal I want. There are some batches where I want up to five Appeals so this is another time waste of me going back and forth. And the only reason I do this is because I am separating out recurring gifts with specific Appeals so I can have those in a separate batch and apply all during committing (see bullet above).
  • Having to click Refresh in between every Appeal filtering is an annoying waste of time (see bullet above).

Reviewing gifts in RE batch

  • We have donors who have been giving monthly recurring gifts online going back to 2009. We have attempted to get most of them signed up again so we don’t have to manually apply their month gift as a pay-cash to the recurring gift. Also all recurring gifts are marked as Campaign PAW in RE. I have noticed that despite the fact that I have manually changed the Recurring Gift to the Campaign PAW, the pay-cash gifts that are automatically applying are not being assigned the Campaign PAW, but are being assign the Receipt status and Letter Code.
    • Shouldn’t a gift that is being applied to a recurring gift copy over the Campaign information so I don’t have to change this every time? Why is only some information applied while other information isn’t?
    • This happens on all new recurring gifts, not just gifts set up prior to the plug-in
  • Sarah Martin
  • Sep 16 2016
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