Allow coaching messages to be scheduled to deliver themselves, based on # of days until event (in addition to # of days after the participant has registered)

Currently, we can only schedule automatic emails to be sent, based on number of days since the user has registered. This is useful to capture enthusiasm for each participant, as they are signing up. However, we also have a strategy for rallying all participants for a final push as we get closer to the event date. We would like the ability to send one or more emails, automatically, to all child events, based on  the number of days until each respective child event.

For example:

If we schedule a message to deliver itself to all registered participants 10 days before the event date:

Child Event A -- Event Date March 15 -- message sends itself on March 5

Child Event B -- Event Date April 20 - message sends itself on April 10

  • Guest
  • Sep 30 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name American Cancer Society
  • Attach files
  • Holly Michaelson commented
    29 Oct, 2016 01:45am

    Yes! We've been saying this for years. This would be an incredible time saver and would realize actual cost savings for our nonprofit.

  • Guest commented
    30 Sep, 2016 03:57pm

    yes... Yes... YES!!!