Expand use of S120:dc:giftType to work in donation form eCard stationery

eCards are an option in donation forms to notify recipients of a gift made, normally in their honor or the memory of a loved one. There is currently no way to include the specifics of that data in an eCard message, so the work around is to build that merge conditional into the header of the stationery. It works to merge the honoree name and gift amount, but it does not currently pull the correct data for the Gift Type. And, other conditionals based of of the difference between honor and memory gifts also do not work in the final eCard even though they work in the preview. It would give better flexibility to expand the use of the S120:dc:giftType tag into eCard stationery.

  • Guest
  • Aug 12 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Cathexis Partners on behalf of Children's Aid Society
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