Partition Reporting

Per support, the only way to find all constituents in a partition is through a backend query which is only available to support. End user admins can manually check specific emails one by one which is tedious and not feasible for a large partition (ours is 280K records). We seek greater visibility into the constituents in the partition (not simply the new inserts/updates or check a single constituent - absolutely everyone) to cross reference against a query group or import. The cross reference would identify records in the partition and if records are not in the partition, the reason why (generally don't meet the query parameters or flagged a potential duplicate).

Similarly, there is a known bug causing some constituents to not be included in are partition even though they should be but there is no way to reliably identify these at-risk constituents as a group using web services. The only way to determine if a large number of constituents are in a partition or not would be through a backend query which only accessible to support. So the scale of how this bug is impacting our operations is unknown.

There isn't even a dashboard with the number of records included in the partition; number of records not meeting the parameters of the partition; number of records meeting the parameter but withheld as likely duplicate.

Without greater visibility into our partition it has been extremely challenging to troubleshoot issues.

  • Alison Hinchman
  • Aug 11 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product API's
Org/Company Name National Trust for Historic Preservation
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