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Create an s-tag that autogenerates the fundraiser ID. If it's already there then update the "Help" section to make it easier to find.

This would mean a much faster transition to new events and a general reduction in mistakes. The fr_ID is needed in almost every useful s-tag and I ren events with multiple s-tags so being able to copy and paste this would mean I could pretty much copy and paste enough s-tags to be able to have standard, dynamic templates (email and page builder) that can easily be moved around.


I've spent hours looking through the help section but if the answers there it's not easy to find.


Please help.

  • Guest
  • Jul 13 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 13, 2016 07:44

    I've found ways to do it in autoresponders I think. But I want to do it so that I can put it in campaign emails. So I want to associate an email campaign with 1 team raiser ID and then be able to access that without having to change the ID every time I am setting up an email for a different event. Even being able to pull from the security ID it's attached to would be helpful.

    Alternatively make it so I can pull the campaign or email descriptionusing an s-tag. This way each time I made a campaign I could put information in there and just have it pulled automatically without having to update it in individual emails.

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