Allow admins to disable offline registration autoresponders

In LO, there's a setting in Advanced Options in TeamRaiser to disable offline gift autoresponders. We'd like there to be a way to disable offline registration autoresponders. Specifically, this would pertain to the TeamRaiser registration upload.


Sometimes we take registrations at the event, and need to do an upload after the event is over to add everyone in. Additionally, we have instances in which whole schools need to be registered after an onsite event. In that, the TeamRaiser may be live. To prevent the ARs from going out when we do an upload, we need to go in and turn them off on the TeamRaiser first, then do the upload, then go back in and turn them back on.

  • Brandy Reppy
  • May 24 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name MSK
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