Allow deletion of donation forms if they do not have any gifts.

Admins can only archive donation campaigns or donation forms, but cannot delete them. Mistakes happen, especially when you are using iMacro or if you inadvertently copy a campaign. There is no way to correct this mistake independently. There should be basic cleanup tools. The system could prevent you from deleting a donation form if it has gifts. But if there are no gifts, the admin should be allowed to delete it.

We need to be able to delete a form or campaign. There should be a warning message to make sure you really mean to delete the campaign or form. And it should prevent you from deleting and forms or campaigns that are either published or have donations. But if the form does not have gifts and is not published, you should be able to delete it. And if the campaign is not active, you should be able to delete it.

  • Holly Michaelson
  • May 10 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name JDRF
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