Allow fundraisers to resend emails that have been sent - eliminating those that have given.

I have one participant who has over 700 email names in her contacts.  She spent hours sending out the first email and would like to go back to see who she sent the first email to. There is no group method for this. She has to go through each email individually. The history of the email that was sent is not there.  She can't see WHAT she email to WHO.  There is also NO option for you to send a REMINDER email or a THIRD email, eliminating those who have given.  We worked with Donor Drive and they just had a button that said "Don't email those who have already given" and it deleted those.  

  • Guest
  • Apr 29 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Saint Barnabas Medical Center
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