Add 'Additional Gift When Registering' count for Teamraiser Registration in Report Writer

In the TR Performance By Event reports, Self Donor and Non-Self Donor reports on ANY transaction, and many participants gather cash and then use their own charge cards. Participants that *make an additional gift* during registration is a far more useful metric.


Also 'Donor' in this report is anyone that has made any transaction, which lumps registrants, donors, purchasers, etc. together. Not useful. Make this only non-participant DONORS.

  • Brian Mucha
  • Apr 13 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Lurie Children's Foundation
  • Attach files
  • Brian Mucha commented
    13 Apr, 2016 03:29pm

    Oh, what the heck. Self Donors also includes registration fees. How useless is that?!