Expedite report filter setup in Report Writer

1. Provide a Clear All feature for the Event Filter in Report Writer. You could greatly expedite report setup when changing from one season to the next. When switching from one fiscal year to the next, I have to deselect all of last year's Event:TeamRaisers and then select all of this years. It would be much faster if there was a "Clear All" button so you could easily remove all of the currently selected events before you started choosing the new ones..


2. It would be great if you could see more than 20 events at a time. I use the "select all" feature, but have to keep scrolling through lots of pages of events to ultimately select them all. If there were 50 events on a page, that would significantly cut down on the number of times I have to change screens to set up national reports each season and fiscal year.

  • Holly Michaelson
  • Apr 5 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name JDRF
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