We currently change the Sender Name, Email Address and Subject Line for TeamRaiser autoresponders depending on which coordinator is working the event. The autoresponder envelopes are one of the few places where we're unable to use s-codes to pull in their info dynamically, and each have to be updated manually when building a new event or changing coordinators mid-event.
Area of the Product | TeamRaiser |
Org/Company Name | CureSearch |
We have a second use case for making subject lines dynamic. We are providing our site in multiple languages using a custom third-party tool. It works great for all things front-end, but as a plugin it cannot impact the autoresponder email messages. We can conditionalize all of the email except for the envelope fields, with subject line being a critical point. Can we please be allowed to place conditionals and S tags in an email subject line for TeamRaiser autoresponders?