Transaction date for check payments

I think it would be very helpful to put in a field for the backend payment/donation entry to select the transaction date, when entering checks. This time of year many people back date the checks and the transaction date needs to be in the previous year.

I know after entering the payment we can edit the transaction to 12/31/2015. But's an extra step and when the constituent gets the confirmation it has the transaction date as the date entered and it falls in the wrong calendar year.

It would be much cleaner, if the date was editable in the form instead of only being able to edit it after the fact for the check payments. Credit card payments should remain locked down like it is, but checks are a different story especially this time of year for the tax receipts.


  • Susan Chopp
  • Jan 6 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name PennFuture
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