Som useful file type additions to Document Library and Image Library

The following file types would be useful to include in the Document Library, for the reasons stated:

.ics (iCalendar) -- open format utilized by all major calendar applications (desktop and mobile).  This would allow me to create a calendar event and, in the autoresponder sent when a person registers for that event, include a locally-hosted ICS file the person can use to add the event to their own calendar.

.js (JavaScript) -- given that .htm/.html are already valid in the Document Library, this is a logical addition, and will allow for better organization of custom JavaScript being used across multiple pages, allowing us to create <script> links instead of lengthy copy-pasted <script> segments on all desired pages, or the messy source that results from simply creating a PageBuilder page with a <script> element in it and embedding that where desired via [[S51]] tags.  ** Note: I'm aware this is already possible by uploading the JavaScript as a plaintext file and simply being explicit with the "type" attribute of the script tag loading it, but doing that isn't exactly good web coding.

.css -- Effectively the same as above, but for custom CSS rules that may need to be created per-page, or across multiple pages, above and beyond any CSS included in a page's wrapper.

.webm (WebM Project), .ogg (Ogg Vorbis) -- video/audio filetypes  gaining popularity (though admittedly not 100% across browser types yet) due to their licensing structures and open nature

.ttf (TrueType), .otf (OpenType), .woff (Web Open Font) -- for embedding fonts in web pages for which the uploader is licensed to use in their media

.odf, .ods, .odp, .odt (Open Office) -- sometimes we need to upload documents as templates people can edit, but not everyone has a version of Acrobat that enables editing due to the license fee, nor may they have Microsoft Office due to the same; Open Office is a free alternative, allowing the creation of rich documents without a license fee; and includes some compatibility for reading Acrobat files and reading/editing Microsoft Office files


The following file types would be useful to include in the ImageLibrary, for the reasons stated:

.svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) -- Basic vector-graphic support, which at this point is very nearly universal across browsers.  I would love to be able to serve my sponsor's logos in their original vector format without having to generate a lot of <svg> tags from source.

This may not be the full extent of file types that would be useful; if I think of others, I will add them here.

  • Mark Kindy
  • Nov 6 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Other
  • Attach files
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    • Guest commented
      April 18, 2017 20:59

      Adding .ics (iCalendar) as an allowed file type would be very helpful.  Our workaround is to upload our .ics files to the customer FTP server, which is an unnecessary extra step given there is a document library.