have a report type for Team Raiser that can be customized

In the report writer for Team Raiser, you are only able to build a custom report that is off one of the base report types (registrations, transactions, etc.)

However, as an example, we have an event that we are not charging a registration fee, but rather have a suggested minimum donation of $25 for various internal reasons. Because there is no fee technically attached to every registrant, we cannot pull a transaction report that will capture all participants because some may have registered and chosen not to donate at all. So now we have some registrants with no transactions attached, some that are both registrants and donors, and some that are only donors and not registrants. We were hoping to have one report that captures any person who is participating in the event as any of the 3 mentioned above, however we now have to pull one registration list, and one transaction list, and then merge and de-dup the list to get something cohesive.

We suggest a report writer type that allows for total customization of your output and criteria (as a Raiser's Edge Query would). 

  • Guest
  • Oct 7 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
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