New idea
Please put a self-donation button in the Donor Lookup page in TeamRaiser. A big portion of our donations are self-donations and a button for self donation would be lovely.
Oct 5 2015
Reviewed: Voting Open
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Alzheimer's Association Cleveland Area Chapter
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Related ideas
Create a Enter Offline Self-Donation Button
Allow donor comments made during donation process to appear on participants personal page.
add the ability to configure the number of top donors on the donor list of the TeamRaiser greeting page
Allow admins to query or group based on donors to donation forms
When processing team donations or event donations and selecting existing donor, the column for street address should also be included.
Be able to report on a "personal note" for the general donation form of a teamraiser and not have to have someone be registered in order to see it.
Add more columns within Teams tabs of TeamRaiser
Add team donors to address book
Dynamic option for adding all donation form donors to a group
Allow offline donation gift notifications to be sent to the TeamRaiser participant when they are added to their page