I'd like to run a report across multiple teamraisers to get answers to survey questions.

I currently have to run reports for each individual teamraiser, and I have to get answers to all the survey questions instead of just the ones that I want.

  • Guest
  • Sep 23 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name Big City Mountaineers
  • Attach files
  • Kabiria Espinosa commented
    27 Sep, 2021 07:10pm

    Our organization needs this enhancement badly. As a National Organization, with multiple child events that collects key information in our surveys, this would create big efficiencies and higher end reporting for staff and constituents. #timeismoney

  • Guest commented
    27 Nov, 2015 08:08pm

    The more information we have access to about our participants enhances our ability to deliver high end reports to the participants, sponsors and potential sponsors.

  • Guest commented
    27 Nov, 2015 03:04pm

    We need this as well.  For one of our events we have over 115 child events so we have to pull a TeamRaiser report for every child event each year and it is very time consuming and errors can be made pasting all the reports together.